The first time we lost power, I wanted to pull my hair out, but now I have found the beauty in it. Whenever we do not have power, the entire town goes black. The students must continue their studies by candlelight while the rest of the town convenes in the streets. A sort of calm comes over the entire town and I have become very fond of those quiet nights. 
On the last part of our week-long vacation, we ventured to Hong Kong. It was completely worth the long overnight train ride and the loss of my self-respect on a crowded bus during lunch time. Plus, Hong Kong has some of the best shopping I have ever experienced. My bags were definitely a little heavier on the train ride home. 
Rooftop at the IFC Mall. 
Sometimes mistakes turn out the be the most beautiful.
Hong Kong Skyline - IFC Mall rooftop
House of Stories, except, as Kyle liked to point out, the man didn't have any stories. 
Market time in Hong Kong.
For the first part of our vacation, five of my friends and I visited Yangshuo, China. When I envisioned China, this is what I had hoped for. We only had a short time, but we definitely made the most of it. On the first day, we went and climbed through a cave and swam in a mud bath and hot springs. On the second day, we went for a bike tour of the countryside. All in all, Yangshuo was a beautiful and wonderful experience. 
Miss Tina cruising in the countryside. 
Bamboo boat rides!
I believe this is called Moon Peak
My favorite fruit. Not sure of its name, but it is a mix between a grapefruit and an orange. 
Mud bath time!
Inside the cave. 
An all American breakfast.... thank goodness. 
Foggy morning in Yangshuo.